Creating a Framework for the Representativeness Assessment of Automated Driving Safety Assurance
Paper Presentation, ITS World Congress, Los Angeles, California
Presentation on the paper submitted to the ITS World Congress 2022
Paper Presentation, ITS World Congress, Los Angeles, California
Presentation on the paper submitted to the ITS World Congress 2022
Special Interest Session, ITS World Congress, Los Angeles, California
This presentation highlighted the data sharing achievements from L3Pilot and the necessary extensions for the evaluations planned within Hi-Drive. Additionally, it gives an outlook on the challenges the project faces with the definition, extraction and usage of edge cases.
Talk, ITS World Congress 2021, Hamburg, Germany
This presentation explained the approach to evaluating the data from the urban pilot sites in L3Pilot from a technical perspective. It also includes some exemplary results from the urban evaluation showcasing the challenges that automated driving faces in urban environments and how well it is handled by the pilot vehicles.
Talk, ITS World Congress 2021, Hamburg, Germany
This presentation explained the approach to data sharing and handling in L3Pilot. It covers the thoughts behind the L3Pilot Common Data Format and how data sharing among the partners was set up and organized in L3Pilot.
Workshop, ARCADE: Workshop on data sharing for automated driving, online
Presentation on the L3Pilot Common Data Format during the ARCADE workshop on data sharing for automated driving. The concept of the Common Data Format as well as practical challenges with the applied data workflow were discussed.
Paper Presentation, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles (IV) Symposium, Nagoya, Japan (virtual)
Presentation of the IV paper on aggregation of road characteristics
Special Interest Session, Virtual ITS European Congress, online
Presentation during special interest session PS1122 (“Comprehensive tools for advancing Automated Driving systems”) on the development of the L3Pilot Common Data Format and its application for the evaluation purposes in L3Pilot.
Workshop, ASAM OpenLabel Ideation Workshop, Höhenkirchen, Germany
Presentation during the ASAM OpenLabel Ideation Workshop on experiences with the development of the L3Pilot Common Data Format. Additionally, previous experiences of ika with other format and in other projects were presented.
Paper Presentation, 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), Auckland, New Zealand
Presentation of the paper submitted to ITSC 2019 on pseudonymization of video areas.
Paper Presentation, 26th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Presentation of the paper submitted for the 26th ESV on the L3Pilot Common Data Format